Study of green marketing principles and their implementation in the selected Slovak companies

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Anna Krizanova Lubica Gajanova Margareta Nadanyiova Katarina Kramarova


The green marketing includes more than just a simple building of corporate image. It becomes a modern mean of the enforcement of actual environmental trends to a broad spectrum of business activities. The field of action of green marketing tools is relatively extensive, starting with the protection of environment, production and sale of products and services with ecological conditions and requirements, through the final consumption of environmentally friendly products, which affects the quality of life and health of the whole society. The paper in brief presents the results of the marketing survey that was focused on finding how chosen Slovak companies applied principles of green marketing and used green marketing tools within their business activities, if ever. Nowadays, concepts such as green marketing, green business and ecological product appear more frequently particularly with regard to communication of companies. For these reasons, the aim of the survey was to determine the extent to which the principles of green marketing are implemented in selected business entities in the Slovak Republic.


Keywords: Green marketing, environmental management system, tools of green communication mix, advertising, public relation;


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