Strategy of Building Industrial Clusters in the Slovak Republic

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Ľuboš Elexa Ľubica Lesáková Ladislav Klement Vladimíra Klementová


Positive influence of industrial clusters on regional development, employment, productivity and innovations is obvious, thus the development of new clusters is still actual topic. The article focuses on the identification of new clusters in Slovak regions and statistically determines the most perspective ones, as the potential of clusters in Slovakia has not been fulfilled yet and lags behind all neighbouring countries. Article uses national and regional employment data and quantifies the regional and industrial share of businesses on the total employment, both in Slovakia and in each industry sector. The methodology relies on static shift-share analysis in order to quantify the dynamic shift in employment over the middle-term period. From identified sectors only those, which recorded the most dynamic regional contribution towards the change in employment, are presented. Potential clusters in each region are compared with existing cluster network in order to find coincidence between the cluster possibilities and regional strategies.


Keywords: Shift-share analysis, cluster, employment, region;


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