Trauma in cultural contexts: translating Impact of event scale-revised

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Ayza Yazdani Zainab Zadeh Khalida Shafi Shafi


The present study evaluates the back translation in Urdu and factor structure. Of Impact of Event Scale-Revised. The scale was administered to 446 adolescents in Pakistan with modifications to time frame. Indirect traumatic exposure had occurred over six months to 2 years ago. Cronbach alpha coefficients of .78 for Intrusion subscale, .74 for Avoidance subscale and .66 for Hyperarousal subscales; and .88 for total scale score are reported.  Principal component analysis revealed a 3-factor solution explaining 45 % of the variance; factor structure was not similar to the proposed theoretical structure of IES-R. Endemic characteristics and cultural setup of the country highlight need to understand development and expression of trauma in cultural milieu and direct future research for intervention strategies in schools.

Keywords: indirect exposure, trauma, adolescents, factor structure


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