The attention of the new public service in implementation of local autonomy bureaucracy in Indonesia

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T., T. Datu


A principle of New Public Service in building performance is important in maintaining the efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction. Paradigm of New Public Service as a public servant more prioritizes the interests of the public by improving the quality of service. Administrators who are responsible have to work to involve citizens in implementing programs to achieve general goals.

The economic crisis that hit Indonesia since 1997 until today shows that Indonesia does not have a solid foundation to be tough to face global changes. The Government has always had difficulty in reducing this nation to rise from adversity of economic, social, and politics. This misunderstanding increases uncertainty of economic, social, and politics, while the cost of providing government also increased.

Changes in Law No 5 in 1974 to Law No 32 in 2004 and Law No 25 in 1999 has not produced output that benefits society. In fact, there were impressed that the society is getting harder to obtain rights of public service. Moreover, if they are associated with the quality of government bureaucracy, the realization of local autonomy and rise of abuse of authority in government bureaucracy that estimated the systemic and even to the affected areas.


 Keywords: new public service, bureaucracy, local autonomy


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